How to apply

An elementary school student submits an application, on which he can indicate two fields of study that do not require talent verification and two fields that require talent verification.
The application deadline is set for all schools until March 20, 2024.

Pupils of the 9th grade of elementary school have the opportunity to apply to our school, for individual fields:

  • 7902J 01 gymnázium – mathematics (four-year study) – talent field
  • 7902J 74 gymnázium – bilingual ANJ (five-year study) – talent department
  • 7902J – gymnázium (four-year study) – non-talented field

Pupils of the 8th grade of elementary school have the opportunity to apply to our school, for the field:

  • 7902J 74 gymnázium – bilingual ANJ (five-year study) – talent department

Pupils of the 5th year of elementary school have the opportunity to apply to our school, for the field:

  • 7902J 01 gymnázium – mathematics (eight-year study) – talent department
  • 7902J – gymnázium (eight-year course) – non-talented field

If you have the opportunity, please send us the applications electronically via EduPage. This will simplify and speed up the entire process and mutual communication.
We thank you.
Instructions for parents
Information for educational advisors at primary schools

Fill out the application as follows:

    22. EDU ID školy: 100000041

    23. Názov strednej školy: Gymnázium, Grösslingová 18, Bratislava
    24. Kód študijného odboru: 7902J 01 (Príma A & I. A), 7902J (Príma B & I. B) alebo 7902J 74 (I. C)
    25. Názov študijného odboru: gymnázium – matematika (Príma A & I. A), gymnázium (Príma B & I. B) alebo gymnázium – bilingválne štúdium (I. C)
    26. Termín skúšky: 1 alebo 2
    27. Vyučovací jazyk odboru vzdelávania: 200
    28. Záujem o prípravu v systéme duálneho vzdelávania: 0
    29. Záujem o školský internát: 0

Gamča does not have its own boarding school, and therefore you must write a value of zero in point 21 even if you are interested in a boarding school. In the section Practical information – Accommodation you can read about how we work with dormitories.

In the application, it is important to indicate working telephone and email contacts so that we can contact you if necessary.

We will process the applications and you can expect an invitation to admissions from us no later than five legal days before the day of the entrance exams.

In the event that he will not be able to participate in the exams for serious reasons, it is necessary to contact us as soon as possible.