Shakespeare memorial

The Shakespeare memorial is a recitation competition in the recitation of poetry and prose in the English language. It is a competition organized every year at Gamča in November, because the winners of the school-wide round advance to the National round, which is still held in December, in the premises of the Zichy Palace.

This competition is organized in the following categories:

  • 1. cat., prose, students of the 1st and 2nd year of eight-year grammar schools
  • 2. cat., poetry, students of the 1st and 2nd year of eight-year high schools
  • 3. cat., prose, students of the 3rd and 4th year of eight-year high schools
  • 4. cat., poetry, students of the 3rd and 4th year of eight-year high schools
  • 5. cat., prose, students of 1st to 4th year of four-year high schools and 5th to 8th year of eight-year high schools
  • 6. cat., poetry, students of 1st to 4th year of four-year high schools and 5th to 8th year of eight-year high schools

It is an annual challenge not only due to the increasing number of competitors, but also due to the quality and creativity of their presentation. The contestants present themselves with their artistic presentation and literary sensibility, as well as their acting talent and, of course, their perfect English pronunciation.